sort of welcome ...
already? Great! The most difficult part is over :-). From now
on you're in good hands.
idea of this site initially came from the need to share with my
friends some of the pictures taken during the many mountain climbings
that I have done especially in Fagaras Mountains. Soon after the
sudden death of my first website (thanks again, USY! :-P) I decided
to start over. This time, with reinforcements, I moved from the
old, static HTML website to this new one who is benefiting of
technologies like PHP and mySQL. Here I would like to mention
my best friend, Snake :-) who worked a lot for creating this website.
God knows how many sleepless nights he created patches to fix
the usual bugs and problems.
name is Iova Dark (aka iova) and I’m inviting you
to enjoy dream landscapes from unknown wild places in Romania
and not only.
if you already know me I’m inviting you to sign up and you
will have access to the movies section as well as to some more
photo categories. Also you will find out a guest book where you
could share your feedbacks about this website.
Gura Portitei ...

of the most beautiful places that I discovered in 2004 was Gura
Portitei where I spent a wonderful weekend. Pity that the weather
was not so nice. Anyway it is a destination that you will never
regret that you visited.
returned to Gura Portitei in 2005 and again in 2006. In 2006 we
experienced a strange phenomenon: during the moonless night the
sea was glowing in the dark when swimming around millions of tiny
animals - it was incredible.
Photo section you will find some great pictures taken at Gura
Portitei this place lost in time that soon will became the new
Vama Veche. Portita is a strange combination of desert-endless
beaches and bungalows with air conditioning and cable TV.